Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Week Six.... A few days late

Things have been CRAZY busy around here and I'm a few days late updating. Last week, was a little bit off but we managed to squeeze in some really fun things. The boys did their normal writing, math & geography stuff. Nothing too exciting there. In Co Op, we reviewed what we had learned about the different types of caves. Caleb's class took sugar cubes and play-doh to build caves and then dissolved the sugar to see how limestone would dissolve over time. Rhys' class built a huge cave out of tables and blankets. His teacher had the different types of cave formations for the kids to "see". Talented Talented women in my Co Op!!

Thursday we attended a fundraiser for a local homeschool Co Op. (Not ours). The kids watched the Lego movie on Jericho and loved it. Then the kids split up in different rooms for Lego building competitions.

 Each team received a story from the Bible to build during a set amount of time.

 The boys were given the Bible story on Paul & Silas in prison during the Earthquake to build.

The kids had a blast and it was something a little different after a stressful week.

Until next week- Keep Calm & Homeschool On

Friday, September 14, 2012

Week Five... Lots of changes!

Week Five is over.. Praise the LORD! We are all flat worn out but it was a great week.

In Co Op this week the kids did some hands on activities to learn about plate tectonics. They all had Lego "plates" that they connected and created a world on.

Then the plates started shifting, moving the plates around.

Finally they took Lego boats all around the room exploring the different continents and islands to see how some had the same vegetation and animals (same colored blocks) and how they might have once connected. I would like to add that this all still fits inside of our Biblical Worldview. The science book they are using is really fun! It is called Christian Kids Explore Earth & Space. Everything is backed up with scripture and laid out easy for parents to teach.

(Rhys moved his island far away from everyone else. )

P.E. this week involved learning about Hurdles. We constructed a hurdle out of PVC pipe and a pool noodle.

The kids LOVED the hurdles. After Co Op, they completely dismantled them and started creating other things with the PVC pipe and connectors. Ninja weapons, Grenade Launchers, Guns... I lost count of all the things that were made up. It ended up being the best $10.00 I've ever spent.

Thursday night Clif installed my white board in the kitchen. I have decided to start using it to list the daily curriculum. The boys can see what they have left to do and work independently if I am busy with another sibling. I really really love it.. Friday was the first day using it and I thought it made a huge difference.

Early in the week we had a break through with Rhys' writing. Every day has been a fight to get 4 sentences out of him. Oh the moaning and groaning and flopping around on the couch like he is mortally wounded.... Painful I tell ya.. I tried changing the writing prompts to things that he loves ( What is your favorite NINJAGO episode) but it didn't help. We sat down and learned how to brainstorm key words and use them in writing. He went from taking an hour to write 4 sentences to less than 10 minutes. Afterwards he looked at me and said "Mom, that was really easy!". I walked around for days so proud! I was this Homeschool Ninja Mom. Yeah, thats me. I'm awesome. My 7 year old LOVES writing.. This lasted until today. Today we were back to tears and the "ButMomIcan'tdoit!!".

Hmmm I bet God has something to say about Pride, right?

Oh well HIS mercies are new every morning and I always have next week.

Finally to show just how tired we are this week... Here's SamTastic during his nap today. Come on, I know you wish you looked that cool during naps. This kid has style I tell ya'! ;)

Friday, September 7, 2012

Week Four - The best laid plans? and Disaster!!

Week four was... not so note-worthy.

We started off with a Monday holiday which seemed to me the best time ever to go on a field trip. (That was mistake #1) My husband was working so it was me and the 4 Craven children. ( Mistake #2) We decided to try a new state park that I had heard WONDERFUL things about. Ravine Gardens was about an hour away and the pictures of the suspension bridges looked amazing! So off we went! The kids asked if they could wear flip flops and I said sure...(mistake#3) because the pictures that I had glanced at quickly (mistake #4) showed lots of wooden walkways and bridges. What an adventure! An adventure I do NOT care to repeat without my husband! We soon figured out that most of the hiking did not include wooden bridges and walkways. Instead, it was overgrown TEENY TINY walkways that PLUNGED into a ravine below. (See pictures below) This was quite awesome when you are chasing a 3 year old that must be ahead of everyone else at all cost. After 2 hours of imagining one or more kids falling and breaking a leg, getting bit by snakes or being carried away by massive mosquitos (no spray, mistake #5) Mama called it quits. I did promise to come back some time in the FAR distant future.

See, sometimes they like each other.

The hiking trail

The teenager

After such a phenomenal start to the week, I decided to take it easy on Tuesday. I'm debating switching up some curriculum and just wanted a nice easy day. The plan was for the day to end with us watching our favorite cheerleader at her football game. Instead it ended with my mother in law rushing us to an urgent care clinic so that I could have my right hand stitched up. Cooking dinner at my house is dangerous... I promise I won't post pictures.

Wednesday was Co Op which means I get to see some of my favorite people! Lots of encouragement, fun & laughter. The kids reviewed their first unit in Science and tried out the long jump for PE.

His new homeschool shirt


Mama, this park has ants and I don't like it!

Thursday and Friday was very minimal as far as book work goes. I was exhausted, kids were cranky and we just needed a break. So we worked on practical things like how to wash dishes, sweep, be nicer to our siblings.. you know, all the things that keeps a house running smoothly.

Next week we will have some catch up but nothing too bad. I'm going to try out some new ways of getting our work done and see if it makes things easier.
